Western Triangle Ag Research Center is currently seeking a Farm Operations Manager to join their team. This full-time position will involve managing the day-to-day farm operations, conducting soil sampling for testing and fertilizer amendment, as well as planting, managing, and harvesting commodity and foundation seed production fields.
The Farm Operations Manager will also provide assistance to researchers in planning, planting, in-season management, and harvesting. They will be responsible for maintaining inventory of pesticides and fertilizers at WTARC and strategically planning and coordinating the timely planting, management, and harvesting of crops.
This position is open to all qualified candidates and is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Responsibilities will also include maintaining and coordinating the repair and records of WTARC vehicles, equipment, ground, and facilities.
If you are interested in this position, please contact (406) 278-7707 or email Justin.vetch1@montana.edu for more information. Veterans and disabled individuals are encouraged to apply.