CCX Create members have the chance to contribute to a newly established committee or the CCX Media Board of Directors. Applications for both positions are due in mid-March.
The Northwest Suburbs Cable Communication Commission is currently looking for individuals interested in serving on the CCX Media Board of Directors, specifically in the at large seat which is currently vacant. The tradition within the organization has been to appoint current NWSCCC members not serving on the CCX Media Board of Directors to at large positions when they become available. If NWSCCC members are not interested, the position will be advertised to Create Producers and residents of the nine member cities. This position comes with a two-year term.
Established in 1982 as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization by the NWSCCC, CCX Media focuses on community connection in each of its five departments serving the nine member cities. The CCX Media Board of Directors is made up of 15 members, including one representative from each member city, four at large members, and two members elected by Create volunteers. The Board, along with an Executive Committee, meets quarterly in February, May, September, and November at CCX Media’s location in Brooklyn Park.
If interested, applications for the CCX Media Board of Directors are due by March 13, with interviews to follow in mid-April. A recommendation for appointment will be presented at the NWSCCC meeting on May 16th.
In addition, CCX Media is also seeking applications for the CCX Create Action Committee. This committee aims to enhance member engagement, recruitment, and outreach, meeting twice monthly to research, make recommendations, and actively pursue their mission.
CCX Create is a community media center that offers free television training, equipment, and facility use to residents and non-profit organizations in the member cities. Upon completion of training, members can create non-commercial content that is then aired on Comcast channels 859HD and 20SD.
Applications for the CCX Create Action Committee are due by March 15, with the first meeting scheduled for April.